Shows for IES

Troubadour Song & Patter

I started doing shows at highschools in 2006 and have visited some 250 centres in the regions of Castilla & León and Madrid. The shows consist of emblematic songs that I play and sing along with a prerecorded sound track. I project images or videos related to the songs and the lyrics for students to follow. In between songs I provide anecdotes to the songs or bands (Patter), tell the occasional joke and even add a little bit of magic. I have prepared three different shows:

  • Songs from the days of Rock & Roll up to the present. We start with Elvis up to, say, Ed Sheeran, visiting various musical styles along the way (Rock, Reggea, Folk, Pop)

  • As the title This is not a Love Song suggests, the songs in this show cover areas other than Love such as the human condition, discrimination, religion, human rights, war and peace and even one on Satan!

  • The Noughties deals with songs that were written in this Millennium and mainly in the first decade (the noughties), though I’ve added a few more recent songs as well. I start out with a happy song to mark the optimism around the change of the Millennium. Then it becomes more serious with the attack on the Twin Towers (Bruce Springsteen). Great songs throughout.

Sound system
I always bring my own equipment: Soundsystem, projector and screen and lights. If some of these elements are in place at the venue, I might make use of those. I need about an hour and a half (preferably 2) to set everything up, so the room, or Assembly Hall, or the (local) theatre has to be free for that too. My euipment is powerful enough for rooms up to 400 students, depending a little on the acoustics. Most Assembly Halls are smaller, though.

Price for the shows
1 session: 400,.
2 sessions (same or different): 600,-
This includes travel expenses (toll roads, gasoline, Hotel rooms)
At IESs students usually pay for the activity, but if the school pays for it and needs an invoice, I can make one with 0% IVA* through our academy Alma Mater Ávila, as it is a didactic activity and can be seen as a Masterclass.
*Factura exenta de IVA, en virtud del artículo 20.9 de la ley 37/1992 sobre el Impuesto sobre el Valor AÑadido. If your secretary prefers to work with IRPF retention, the total sum would be 470,50 of which 15% the school retains for Hacienda → 470,50 – 70,50 (15%) = 400,-
